Saturday, December 31, 2011

Illegal Debt Collection Tactics Part 5 - Calling Before 8 AM or After 9 PM

Illegal Debt Collection Tactics Part 5 - Calling Before 8 AM or After 9 PM

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or the FDCPA, was designed to work with the Consumer Credit Protection Act and to protect people from unfair collections practices such as collections calls, which are direct FDCPA Violations. The law was signed into effect by the U.S. Congress in 1978, and originally instituted by the Federal Trade Commission. It's purpose is to protect consumers being harassed by third party collections agents who are using unethical and illegal methods of collecting debts owed to creditors.

Thousands of complaints are lodged by consumers every year against third party collections companies when they believe their rights have been violated. Working with the Attorney General of many of the states, laws have been enacted at the local level by several states to work in conjunction with the federal law and further protect people from unlawful collections activity.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is very specific in its regulations regarding collections activity. Under the law, there are a number of actions that a debt collector can take, but many of the methods practiced by companies throughout the country are at the least unethical, and in many cases, illegal. The FDCPA is a law every consumer should be aware of, especially when dealing with a difficult financial situation which is placing an additional burden on your family.

When you have a debt that's been handed over to a third party for collections, before you take any action, you must be aware of your rights and you must get as much information as you can before proceeding. Find out who the debt is owed to, what the amount is, and what it's actually for. If you're getting collections calls, you should know that the FDCPA prohibits certain communications. Under the law, a collection company can't call you before 8 am or after 9 pm.

On person in Texas began getting calls from a collections agent about a loan he had taken out. He repeatedly told the agent he hadn't taken out any such loan, but they persisted with their collections calls started coming in to his office, which his employer didn't appreciate. He was able to get a letter from the debtor and found out that his ex wife had signed his name to a loan, and she was nowhere to be found. He was able to provide documentation that the signature on the original document wasn't his, and the matter was resolved.

This case is a perfect example of unscrupulous collections agents and their illegal methods. The person in question wasn't aware that under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the early morning and late evening collections calls at his home, as well as the persistent phone calls at work, were illegal. The FDCPA specifically states that in addition to specific times set forth that collections agents may call a debtor, they may not call you at work if your employer hs a policy against personal calls and you notify the collections agent in writing. Any company using these methods is committing FDCPA violations.

Illegal Debt Collection Tactics Part 5 - Calling Before 8 AM or After 9 PM

The Collections Of Home Depot Patio Furniture

The Collections Of Home Depot Patio Furniture

For people who do not know much about the Home Depot patio furniture, it is important to explain how and when to purchase the furniture without first venturing to educate the person on the various collections that the person can shop the furniture. In this article, I am not going to look at many of them, but I do hope that the ones that we shall look at, will be enough to give you an idea of where to start from when looking for the place to buy the furniture.

Dining Sets

If you are planning to buy the Home Depot patio furniture by the collections that are available, the first collection that you will come across will be the Dining Sets. Indeed, this is really not something that you can talk much about. The dinning sets are those that will help you and your family to be in the right place when you are having your meal.

Casual Seating

Apart from the dining sets, you also need to look at the Home Depot patio furniture that will allow you to seat casually. These collections are simply those that will give you an opportunity to discuss issues and talk about things in a really relaxed atmosphere. If you are a family and are looking for an opportunity to discuss issues with each other and you find that most of the seats in the house are just very formal, then this is a good area to go with.


The next collection that is available for people who would like to own the Home Depot patio furniture is the Bistro collection. Unlike the casual seating and the dining sets category, the Bistro collection is somehow new to some people. In normal cases, the bistro refers to place where someone can come and have a meal in a simple way. They are mainly much cheaper than many other joints where the serving and the foods are more elegant. When it comes to the home furniture, it refers to a simple place where one or two people can have their meal from, without having to move to the dining table.

All in all, the Home Depot patio furniture is an extremely wonderful piece of furniture. Unfortunately due to their high quality, they can be a bit expensive for the average person. The good news however is that the company has a lot coupons that can be very beneficiary to them.

The Collections Of Home Depot Patio Furniture

Friday, December 30, 2011

Can a Chiropractor Fix Tmj?

Can a Chiropractor Fix Tmj?

Chiropractic care is most often thought of as something individuals seek when they are suffering from back pain. But it can also help with a collection of other problems, such as Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (Tmj). So the answer is Yes, chiropractors can fix Tmj.

The quality to speak, chew and swallow or even yawn is a supervene of the jaw acting as a hinge to associate the mandible with the skull. This joint is one of the most commonly used joints in the body.

Tmj occurs when the disc becomes displaced or when the surrounding muscles and tendons come to be inflamed. The results are:

Pain and tenderness around the joint directly in front of your ear The chance and end of the mouth will come to be difficult or painful A grinding or crunching sound when an individual opens or closes their mouth

People with Tmj can also have earaches, headaches, dizziness, and muffled hearing.

A chiropractor can help with treating Tmj in two ways:

Providing Chiropractic Adjustments to the upper neck or jaw. Recommending exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to help speed salvage and forestall a relapse

Chiropractic medicine is very efficient for patients with Tmj. Before medicine a Chiropractor will accomplish a full spinal determination focusing on the upper neck and evaluating the jaw joint. medicine plans will consist of chiropractic adjustments of the upper neck and/or jaw area. Depending on severity, patients may see immediate relief or will need a series of adjustments over time to see relief. Usually, the longer one waits to see a chiropractor for treatment, the longer the salvage time.

Chiropractors are involved with not only treating patients until their pain dissipates, but also assuring their problems are constantly eliminated.

What are some of the philosophical elements connected with chiropractic care? Among them:

Naturalism Rationalism Holism

Chiropractic care focuses on the total human body, in the trust that it is inter-related with both the environment and individuals' lifestyles.

In many cases, chiropractic care is proven to be more efficient than drugs and medicines. Not only is it more effective, it helps patients through care that is gentler, cheaper, and does not consist of the potential for negative results later.

Chiropractors can suggest positive pain relieving exercises that help relax jaw muscles and relax stress. Meditation and massage are some of the other methodologies adopted by the chiropractor to treat their patients.

Since chiropractic care is efficient with disorders which are mechanical in nature it is very efficient with Tmj. Not only is chiropractic effective, it is preferable when other options are more intimately examined. For example, most population suffering from pain believe medication will contribute quick relief for their problems. This is true, but medications only contribute temporary pain relief and do not eliminate the cause. Medications may also supervene in harmful side-effects.

Surgery is another option for Tmj. But surgery can be costly, ask time away from work and other activities during recovery, and it can be dangerous.

Can a Chiropractor Fix Tmj?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting Your Practice Running Better - Improving Healthcare Collections

Getting Your Practice Running Better - Improving Healthcare Collections

If I say this, it would give a better meaning if I mention about improving the medical billing collections. In the United States, healthcare industry functions in a totally different way. Practices not only have to care about curing the patients and coping with technology and medical advancements, but also have to run behind the uncollected money. It is unfair but has become an essential part of the day-day operations of any practice. So, how do we go about this?

All that we can do is organizing the operations where medical billing is concerned so that it can give practices a better tomorrow. At the same time, we know that optimizing the revenue flow is a tough game and most importantly a time consuming job. But we don't have an option. It is essential to make good the loss when it comes to money. Once you streamline the process and make it a practice, you will not have to spend enormous time and human resource in working with collection backlog.

It starts here - Medical Billing

Patient Demographics:

Collecting all possible relevant and mandatory information from the patients is essential. Moreover the information should be accurate since the base for errors with medical billing is patient information. Executives at the doctor's front office who collect and manage the patient information should make sure that the information collected is correct to avoid delays and reworks. Organizations can be twice as profitable as they are currently when they avoid or eliminate reworks and delays.

Insurance Eligibility Verification:

Patients might give card-copies which are not effective or which does not cover the service at the time of appointment. Before filing a claim it is advisable to check and confirm the Patient's eligibility with the Insurance so that we do not end up in denials. Researches prove that improper verification of insurance can increase claim denials. So, it is necessary that insurance verification should be done well before starting the process.

Medical Coding & Charge Entry: Sending clean claims

It is a little crucial when handling claims at this stage. Application of proper procedure codes, modifiers and state specific rules is inevitable. More over charges have to be entered accurately and double billing has to be eliminated. Making errors at this stage can be risky and would consume time and work in error analysis and rectification, causing delays and even denials. Not to miss, giving attention to claims filing limit. All these factors have strong influence on the reimbursement of the claims.

All we need is maximum reimbursement for the claims. In that case, we need to double check for errors and eliminate them before the claim reaches the insurance carrier or the clearing house. When sending clean claims and in appropriate format, it is assured that the claim would be reimbursed.

Accounts receivable & Follow up:

Doing regular follow ups can improve relation with the insurance carrier and would inculcate precision in the daily operations while speeding up the process. Analyzing the aged AR and working on a plan to get the claim reimbursed would boost your collections. But prioritizing the claims is even more vital. When you have an old AR and a high value claim at your desk, giving importance to the high value claim would be the best deal - that is act to situation.

Giving importance To Patient AR:

Patient AR also forms a significant part of the total collections. Therefore collecting money from the patients should also be given necessary attention and we have to follow systematic approach towards money collection. Collecting money from patients is easier when the follow-up is regular and the approach is professional. Most of the patients pay up within a few follow ups.

Handling Denials:

Denial analysis is a little exhausting but effective part. We call it the root cause analysis, when the denied claim is completely examined for flaws. Once rectification is done, care should be taken that the reworked claims should immediately be transmitted to the insurance carrier. Delays can minimize the chance of getting the claims reimbursed.

At last, it is Staying updated with the industry:

While staying updated with the industry, we will know the latest changes in policies, regulations and procedures which will help us in eliminating the errors occurring due to ignorance, costing huge dollars. Increasing medical billing collections is all about following the procedures and acting smart to the situation. It is nothing but a combination of certain factors: efficient medical billing software, talented work force and streamlined process- compliance, along with Regular follow-ups and eliminated errors guaranteeing you increased medical billing collections.

Getting Your Practice Running Better - Improving Healthcare Collections

Preservation of Doll Collections

Preservation of Doll Collections

Restoration of collectible dolls is costly and should only be performed by an expert. To prevent the need for restoration of your doll collection the following preservation guidelines should be adhered to:

o Never display collectible dolls outside of doll cabinets if you are not prepared to dust them regularly

If you, like me, feel that dolls should be an integral part of your home decor then remember that these dolls need to be dusted regularly to avoid dust settling on the skin, in the wigs and on the clothing of the dolls. If dusting is not part of your daily routine rather place the dolls in a doll case to prevent excessive dust collection.

o Never display your collectible dolls in direct light -keep all lighting indirect

If you want to preserve your doll collection for future generations never display the dolls in direct sunlight as this can not only cause the dolls clothing to fade but may also cause coloring of the skin, especially that of vinyl dolls. Direct artificial light will have the same damaging effects as sunlight and if you must use lighting it is best to stick to incandescent bulbs. Another option is to protect your dolls from potential damage from lighting by using UV lighting sleeves. Should you wish to light up your doll case only use cold lights with UV filters and only switch these on for short periods when viewing the dolls.

o Never expose your collectible dolls to extreme temperatures

It is best to display your dolls in a temperature controlled environment as extreme hot or cold temperatures or sudden changes in temperature could cause permanent damage to any doll.

o Never display your doll collections on a bare wood shelf

Preserving the dolls clothing is just as important as the preservation of the doll itself. Bare wood contains an acid called Lignin which will discolor the dolls clothing over a period of time - always use a material barrier when displaying dolls on wooden shelving.

o Never allow children to play with your collectible dolls

The only exception to this rule is when your collectible doll has been manufactured as a collectible play doll. If you have young daughters, granddaughters or friends that have young girls it may be worth purchasing one or two collectible play dolls specifically for this purpose.

o Never store your collectible dolls under conditions which could lead to permanent damage

Use acid free tissue when storing dolls and never store dolls in cardboard boxes as damage can result from the acids contained in these boxes. Even the original box can contain sufficient acids to cause damage over prolonged periods of time. If your dolls need to be stored for any reason, remove all jewelry before storage. Never store dolls in what you presume to be an airtight container as many of these containers trap moisture which could result in mold or mildew which is virtually impossible to remove.

So much time, effort, money and love goes into a doll collection. Preserve them for future generations and save yourself or your heirs the cost of restoration.

Preservation of Doll Collections

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Biking in Seattle - What to Watch Out For

Biking in Seattle - What to Watch Out For

You haven't biked until you've done it in Seattle

I got into road biking a minute while ago and I've loved every minute of it. There's something startling about being outdoors with the wind blowing past your face as you're headed downhill at full speed. It's both exhilarating and slightly nerve-racking.

Well, one of the things I love best about biking is that you de facto can see all the gorgeous places colse to you. A lot of times when you drive, you don't get a occasion to take all in, but with a bike, you're still going slow enough to see all (at least I'm going slow enough).

Well, if you're like me and love to see the scenery while you bike, then Seattle is definitely a place that you're going to want to bike sometime in your life. I first visited the Northwest before I was in to cycling and I though that it was just a gorgeous city, very worthy of its nickname as the Emerald City.

Well, after I visited a few times, I kept noticing that there were tons and tons of citizen biking. There were more citizen biking there than any other city I had ever been in. Because cycling is very favorite in Seattle, the city has done a lot to help make sure cyclists have what they need to ride safely. While there is a lot that still needs to be fixed, there are a lot of bike-friendly places to ride.

One of my favorite places to bike is the Burke-Gilman trail. This is a gorgeous trail that runs through Fremont, a great quirky minute town that you have to visit next time you're there.

Even though biking is popular, there are some things that you'll have to be sure and remember the next time your there. First of all, Seattle weather isn't probably like the weather where you're visiting from. There is a lot of rainfall and rain not only makes the roads slick, it creates poor visibility for both bikers and drivers. You'll want to pay extra concentration when you're biking in the rain.

Another thing to remember is that just like any other big city, there is a lot of traffic and not every road has bike-friendly shoulders or bike lanes. I've heard of a few citizen getting seriously hurt or killed when racing down a hill, only to run into a car that pulled out a minute too far into the intersection, not giving the cyclists a occasion to stop.

As long as you're rigorous and observant about what's going on colse to you, though, you should be fine. Be sure to enjoy the scenery.

Biking in Seattle - What to Watch Out For

Complaints Against Collection Services

Complaints Against Collection Services

Collection agencies and call centers are given a strong label for having poor customer service and harassing their customers. However, some collection agencies core competency is customer service and their business strives from being friendly and ethical. Many of these companies get a bad wrap because of the industry they do business in. Complaints come and go for any company - but for this specific industry they seem to come in higher quantity. How can you handle accusations or claims against your company and maintain your reputation?

Welcome Complaints

Inform your clients and debtors that you encourage them to send in complaints. Better yet, make them readily viewable. If people can view the past comments against your company, it gives them a better idea of how their complaint matches up. Make sure it is easy for debtors and clients to file a complaint. If the process is difficult, it will only further the complaint.

Respond to Complaints

Don't just accept them - answer them. If there is a back story to your debtor's complaint, then post it. First - your debtor or client could be confused about the situation and that led them to file a complaint. Second - if you make your responses readily available it will ensure your other debtors and clients that your handle your complaints with courtesy and have resolved most situations. Responding to your complaints can greatly increase or restore a company's reputation.

Where can you handle complaints?

- Create a webpage of the complaints and responses
- Respond to complaints on complaint based websites like,, etc.
- Create a forum where your debtors/clients can discuss their complaints and you can respond to them. This is great because it handles entire conversations and conserves the complaint date.

What if I can't publicly display all of my complaints?

Regardless of the benefits, some companies decide to keep their complaints hidden - sometimes because of privacy policies and security issues. In this case, ensure that you at least have a form to file complaints. Have the complaints send to your email and respond directly to the debtor by email or phone.

Complaints Against Collection Services

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stop IRS Levy Tips: The Different Types Of IRS Collections

Stop IRS Levy Tips: The Different Types Of IRS Collections

When one thinks about IRS collections, 2 common methods come to mind. An IRS levy and an IRS tax lien. Many believe these to be one and the same, however they are very different.

An IRS levy is a seizure of personal assets to pay a tax liability, but a tax lien protects and secures the IRS interest in your property and any rights to property. It does not actually seize the property. It generally, goes into effect when you sale property. At the time of sale, the IRS has rights to the proceeds of the sale. Whereas an IRS levy actually seizes personal property.

Before the IRS can collect, usually 3 requirements must be met:

1. The IRS assessed the tax and sends a Notice and Demand for Payment.

2. The individual ignored or refused to pay the tax.

3. The IRS sent a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right Hearing at least 30 days before the levy. The IRS may leave it at a home, place of business or send it to the last known address that the IRS has on file.

There are 4 common forms of levy sources for the IRS:

1. Bank Account: A bank levy is when the IRS takes funds directly from a bank account. The tax payer will typically not know it until it has already happened. The bank will be required to hold the funds up to the amount owed on the day the levy came. If the levy is not released within 21 days, the bank is required to send the funds to the IRS.

2. Wage Levy: This levy is sent to the employer and requires that the employer withhold a certain portion of the pay check. The IRS can levy up to 85% of a pay check. The IRS can also levy Social Security Payment

3. Third Party Accounts: This would include retirement accounts, stock accounts, 1099 sources basically any source of income or assets with a few exemptions.

4. Assets: This is the least common type of levy, because it is typically difficult for the IRS to do. This would include cars, houses, boats or basically any other type of asset.

There is also a difference between a continuous levy and a onetime levy. A continuous levy would include wages, social security and other types of income. A onetime levy would include a bank levy and a 1099 income. The IRS only has rights to the amount in the account or due the independent contractor the day the IRS levy was received. This does not stop the IRS from levying again.

An IRS levy will continue until the tax debt is paid, the statues of limitations expires, or other arrangements are made, which could include an Installment Agreement, having the account put in Section 53 or a hardship, or having an Offer in Compromise accepted.

I recommend hiring a tax professional with experience in working with the collection department of the IRS will ensure that the tax laws are worked to the tax payer's advantage. An experienced tax pro will also know how to resolve tax liabilities and the quickest way to stop irs levy action based on the tax payer's particular situation.

Stop IRS Levy Tips: The Different Types Of IRS Collections

Monday, December 26, 2011

Best State Parks in Southern Utah

Best State Parks in Southern Utah

There are many great state parks in southern Utah for you to visit. Every park is unique and offers a thoroughly distinct experience. Here are my top 3 beloved state parks in the state of Utah.

1. Sand Hollow

I love sand hollow, maybe because I am a water person, but it is a great place to take the family. The park consists of a large manmade lake which has a estimate of rock islands. The largest one is probably about a half mile wide by a quarter mile long and is about 50 yards away from the shore. If you can swim to it or take a boat you will find there is a lot to do and see. Sand hollow is also very predominant for its fishing and scuba diving.

2. Snow Canyon

Snow canyon is a great place to see lava flow and lava caves. The park has a blend of nature hikes, sand dunes, and lava flow making it a great attraction for all visitors.

One of the most provocative parts about the park is the lava caves which are caves that were created by lava flow as the inner layers of the lava prolonged to flow while the outer layers cooled.

3. Fremont Indian State Park

The Fremont Indian State park is an aged Fremont Indian village. The park is filled with aged paintings and carvings and is a great place to learn about this Native American tribe as well as get a feel for how they lived.

Best State Parks in Southern Utah

A Brief History of Las Vegas

A Brief History of Las Vegas

Located in the heart of the Nevada dessert, Las Vegas was not always the favorite traveler destination that it has come to be today. The place was no more than a barren piece of land where there were only a few hotels and hardly any residential area either. The place was mostly given to a rodeo population and the tourism manufactures was no where in sight.

However, we all know that today Las Vegas enjoys a cult status. The city is known all over the world for its awesome casinos and fabulous night life. Know as the Sin City, the City of Lost Wages and much more, Las Vegas is no ifs ands or buts every bit what it promises to be.

Let us look into the milestones of the city and trace the amelioration of varied hotels and regions of the area.

• Era - The city of Las Vegas began to manufacture during the 1930's and 1940's. It is during this era that the hotels here began to mushroom. The gaming manufactures blossomed with several casinos being made ready to those who came visiting here. The cities connectivity was also improved and right from roads to airports, soon all was in place. The more population came to the city, the more revenue it generated and the good its infrastructure got, which in turn lead to even more population coming in.

• Vegas strip - This is the area of the city where all the entertainment and enjoyment can be found. Right from restaurants to the casinos to even the hotels, all of prominence can be located on the Vegas Strip. The first resorts to come up in this area were the Dunes and the El Rancho. These were followed by the Fremont Street, along came the Golden Nugget, the Mint, and Binion's Horseshoe. After these hotels, the preponderant Flamingo and Sahara were built. The very well known the Sands Hotel and Casino, which was Frank Sinatra's favorite was also located on the strip itself and in fact was operational till the November of 1996.

• Development - Once the city began it journey towards progress there was no stopping it. Resorts of humongous size and fabulous facilities came into existence. Bellagio, Wynn, Encore, Venetian, Palazzo, Trump, Ceasars Palace and Mandalay Bay are all hotels that are determined foremost milestones in the history of the City. The Mgm Grand, Luxor and Mirage also deserve extra mention when in comes to Las Vegas.

• Amenities - Today Vegas has one of the best restaurants in the world to offer. The hotels here are known for their fabulous layouts and period based decors. World preponderant chefs like Emeril Lagasse and Wolfgang Puck are showing their skills in Vegas. Right from large pools to great spas, the hotels here offer it all.

Indeed, it is true that Las Vegas hotels are not just places to lodge in when visiting the city. They are an taste to feel and live. These hotels make Las Vegas what it is today. The casinos that they offer and the ultimate luxury that they boast of are the reasons why the city has flourished extensively.

A Brief History of Las Vegas

Sunday, December 25, 2011

White Water Rafting - all You Ever Need To Know

White Water Rafting - all You Ever Need To Know

The words 'white water rafting' alone are adequate to send thrills coursing straight through you. The operation itself is an exhilarating rush of adrenalin as one makes an attempt to navigate a small boat straight through rushing rapids.

White water rafting is a arresting sport that involves paddling a raft along or across open water or rivers and navigating the raft to calmer areas. The degree of roughness of the water varies greatly and the sole purpose of the sport is only for the adrenaline rush that rafters experience.
White water rafts first began as reeds, planks and logs that were bound together and kept watertight with mud or pitch.

Today most rafts are similar to troops attack boats, being made of more durable materials, together with vinyl or rubber fabric and built as totally independent air-tight chambers. Most vary in length, but are commonly between eleven feet and twenty feet in distance and as wide as six feet to eight feet in breadth. The particular man white water raft is called a packraft and is much smaller - approximately half the distance and width of the smaller multi-person rafts.

White water rafting first began as the most ancient of water transportation and was used for carrying food, hunting and arresting population from one place to another.

Lieutenant John Fremont (U.S. Army), made the first trip in 1842 on the Platte River in the United States. By the 70's, white water rafting had become increasingly popular and as experienced rafters searched for other rivers to ride, they travelled the globe to find some of the most predicted and arresting rivers around. As a result, this was a featured sport at the Munich Olympic Games.

Although white water rafting is something that even children can do, the sport is divided into classes which are characterised by the roughness of the water, what is in the water, the manoeuvrability and the level of danger. They comprise 6 classes ranging from Class 1 where the difficulty level is minimal, the procedure is smooth and very limited manoeuvring and no skills are needed. The difficulty increases level by level culminating in Class 6 which is the most dangerous since it involves huge waves, ultimate danger, heavy rocks, very long drops and inherent damage to rafts. Here, an unabridged ultimate rafting experience without serious injury is mandatory on the part of the rafter.

In concern of safety, government regulations ensure that all rafters have certified tool - rafts, life jackets and paddles - as well as setting mandatory requirements for age limits and experience.

White Water Rafting - all You Ever Need To Know

Saturday, December 24, 2011

California Renters Squeezed by Lack of Affordable Rentals

California Renters Squeezed by Lack of Affordable Rentals

You don't have to read several media sources to consideration that there are two growing trends affecting the leasing and rental market. More and more renters are searching for their next apartment online as opposed to customary methods and rental prices are rising as consumers select to rent rather than buy in order to wait for home sale prices to heighten in affordability-- as is clearly clear in California where the average sales price of a home is at 0, 690. across the nation, the average sales price of a home is at 8,000.

According to, the firm reported nearly 45 million visits in 2006, an growth of 20 percent over 2005. The top searched markets on the site with the highest growth over 2005 were :

1. Chicago (214%)

2. Los Angeles (203%)

3. Phoenix (182%)

4. Ft. Lauderdale (168%)

5. Atlanta (163%)

6. Detroit (158%)

7. New York (157%)

8. Tampa (156%)

9. Orlando (153%)

10. San Jose / Silicon Valley (144%)

Note that Los Angeles and San Jose, which are cities settled in California, show a booming growth in online searchers finding for affordable rental housing.

Unfortunately for many renters, as reported in a 2/4/07 online description in Usa Today, landlords are predicted to raise apartment rents for a third-straight year in 2007. By no means are we attempting to take pot-shots at landlords, the objective is to give the perspective of how national rental rates compare to those in California.

"With the projected rise of 5% this year, rents would be 14% higher than at the end of 2004, the description says. From 2000 to 2004, most landlords couldn't raise rents because so many tenants were leaving to buy houses or condos. To feed that buying frenzy, about 300,000 apartments were converted to condos for sale in the past three years. Now, even with 92,000 new rental units this year, the stock is still too small to meet rising demand.

Rents are rising because the payment gap in the middle of renting and owning remains wide. Even with this year's increase, the national average rent will be 3 a month, only 60% of the average mortgage payment of ,566." In California, the average rent is at almost ,400 per month which is 47% of the average mortgage payment of ,520.

And data from a Census Bureau description in 2000, showed that the highest rental markets were in Irvine, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara or Fremont, all California cities, where average gross rents all topped ,200 a month. That was six years ago.

California cities claimed nine out-of-ten spots on the Census 2000's list of highest rents among large U.S. Cities. The only non- California city in the top high-rent tier was Stamford, Connecticut, at ,007 a month.

Ten highest Rent Cities

Irvine, Calif. - ,272

Sunnyvale, Calif. - ,270

Santa Clara, Calif. - ,238

Fremont, Calif. - ,196

Thousand Oaks, Calif. - ,131

San Jose, Calif. - ,123

Daly City, Calif. - ,074

Simi Valley, Calif. - ,058

Stamford, Conn. - ,007

Huntington Beach, Calif. - $ 985

Keep in mind that Southern California is a sprawling geographic area dotted with several hundred communities, it would be ridiculous to claim that there are no affordable rental areas; however, as a renter you can realistically expect to pay higher rents in more desirable neighborhoods or communities settled by the coast. In order to get a good perspective on rental prices and desirable areas to live in, escort a few online searches and check out sites such as, Apartments,com and

If living in the "Golden State" is your dream, there are now more online rental websites available with virtual tours, mapping tools and other information, so you can shop for a California rental from your desktop.

California Renters Squeezed by Lack of Affordable Rentals

Has Your Business Considered Probate Collections to Improve Your Bottom Line?

Has Your Business Considered Probate Collections to Improve Your Bottom Line?

Does your business have delinquent accounts and you would like to improve your collections?

Are you a collections agency or law firm with debt portfolio looking to get a better return?

If you answered "Yes" to either question, then read on...

Probate- or Estate-Collections is one of the most effective ways to collect on delinquent accounts of deceased debtors.

What is Probate- or Estate-Collections?

When a consumer debtor dies, claims against the deceased debtor are mostly governed by the probate/estate laws. Probate courts with relevant jurisdiction (mostly based on deceased's last residence or location of primary assets) administer the estates. The laws are geared for expedient resolution of creditor claims and issues so that the estate can be administered efficiently.

Probate collections will continue to play an increasingly important role in debt collections for two main reasons:

Inverse Growth: Population over 65 years of age between now and 2035 will almost double while the percentage of population between the ages of 45 and 64 years will decrease.

Increasing Debt: Continued increase in average revolving debt of seniors - 65 years or older.

INVERSE GROWTH: Demographic changes impacting debt collections

Currently, middle-aged population, between the ages of 40 and 59 years, holds the highest average debt in the US (Source: Experian Study). However, the middle-aged population is projected to shrink in size from 26% to 22% between 2010 and 2035. In the same period, the senior population, 65 years and older, is projected to almost double in size from about 40 million to over 77 million. By 2035, population older than 65 years is estimated to be 20% of the total US population (Source: National Census Bureau).

INCREASING DEBT: Average debt held by seniors continues to increase

People older than 65 years have continued to accumulate more and more revolving debt. Between 1992 and 2007, households with a family head older than 65 years tripled the median credit card debt owed (Source: Fast Facts, Employee Benefit Research Institute, Dec 02, 2009). In fact, according to the Demos survey conducted between April and August 2009 (as reported by USA Today, July 31 2009), credit card debt for Americans 65 and older is growing the quickest.

Probate collections is very effective. But how do you go about it?

Broadly speaking, there are 3 steps:

Step 1: Identify deceased debtors in your debt portfolio (or delinquent accounts)

Step 2: Locate the estate (including details such as when it was filed, which county/court, file or case number, etc.) if filed

Step 3: File the relevant paperwork with the appropriate court in a timely manner

Step 1: Identify deceased debtors in your debt portfolio

There are several ways to figure out which of your debtors are deceased. If your portfolio is small (# of delinquent accounts), calling the last known contact number may get you to the deceased's family. For bigger portfolios, there are several online tools and skip-tracing companies that provide this service for a fee.

Step 2: Locate the estate

If your business has customers in just one or a few geographic areas, the task of locating the estate, if filed, is easy. Usually, you can go to the local County Court (or the Court that handles probate matters in your county/ jurisdiction) and look up Court Records to obtain the necessary information.

If your business spans larger geographic area covering multiple counties and states, the task starts becoming confusing and complex. This is because, laws vary widely on how the information can be accessed. Some courts require you to be physically present at the court to search their records while others make all this information available online with easy search tools.

It is very important to file your claims in a timely manner as the clock starts counting down, once an estate is filed in the name of the deceased debtor. Most courts have firm deadlines varying from a few months to a couple of years.

If you have delinquent accounts that are more than a few, and across multiple counties/states, it is better to seek the experts. Tens of thousands of estates are filed every year. These estates are filed in over 3,200 probate courts all over the country. Each court has unique rules and methods for accessing estate filing data. Estates are sometimes filed at the place of death and sometimes where the assets are located. Some collections agencies and law firms who specialize in probate/estate collections perform both step 2 and step 3.

Step 3: File the relevant paperwork with the appropriate court in a timely manner

If you only have a few delinquent accounts of deceased debtors and know the estate information, you can file claims yourself using the guidelines outlined by the court. However, if you have more than a few accounts and the estates are filed in different courts, it is cost-effective to outsource this task to a probate law firm or a probate collections agency.

Has Your Business Considered Probate Collections to Improve Your Bottom Line?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Civil War Antiques Impact on Collectors

Civil War Antiques Impact on Collectors

Civil War antiques seem to have a lasting impact with their collectors, which is believed to be associated with how the war affected so many Americans and how it also provided a new meaning of freedom for some of those Americans. The Civil War had brothers fighting brothers and cousins fighting cousins, and some even lost their lives at the hand of other family members.

The Civil War unfortunately began in 1861 and was fought in over ten thousand locations from New Mexico to Tennessee to Vermont to down the coast line of Florida. Collectibles from the Civil War are any items that were directly related to the Civil War, which are memories for soldiers and the civilians who played major roles in the war among the states.

On April 12, 1861, the foundation of the Civil War was planted by General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, then after thirty four hours of constant bombing and firing the people of Fort Sumter surrendered by waving a white flag. Thankfully, there were practically no casualties, but this was the first battle of the Civil War and the worst war in American History. According to history, over three million men fought and at least six hundred thousand men lost their lives. The really truly sad thing is that nearly half of individuals who fought in battle were below the age of twenty one years old.

Civil War collectibles are now a tribute to those brave men and boys who put their live down for the sake of our nation in order to bring freedom to the states. Collectibles from the Civil War include camp gear, cavalry equipment, weapons, flags, medical items, uniforms, and many more items that can reveal unknown facts about our nations war. Curiosity remains fresh and focused among collectors even today who strive to uncover the mysteries of this dramatic period of time. This period of time also haunts people still today.

It even seems as if Civil War collectibles have become some of the most popular collectibles with collectors within the United States, which is partially due to the items telling about their countries heritage. Collectors find new Civil War items each year and will add them to personal collections. One important item collectors of Civil War memorabilia need invest in is a Civil War value guide, which will enable the collector to know how particular items are worth. Of course, there are a number of value guides that are available on the market today, but all that the collector will need is a guide that has the particular items that they are interested in.

Collectors of Civil War collectibles knows that there are several categories to choose from and some collectors will specialize their collections on a particular item. However, there are a few collectors who are so enthusiastic about Civil War collectibles that they have several rooms in their homes set aside with nothing but Civil War memorabilia in them of all sorts. One type of Civil War collectibles is artillery, with the most commonly found being the paper time fuses. Other artillery known to be collected by collectors are chill nose parrot bolts, thirty pound Union parrot shells, wood plug shells, cannonballs, coehorn wood plug shells, and solid shot cannonballs.

Civil War Antiques Impact on Collectors

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Dutch Oven - A Great expanding to Your Survival Kit

If you're one of those folks without power, heat or warmth because of the recent snow storms, you have probably recognized the need for a cooking tool that can bake, boil, fry and saute. And it should be able to function with a range of heat sources, since you don't know when the electricity might come back on.

My nomination for this wonder implement has been around for hundreds of years. It's easy to find, cheap and effective. Get a cast iron or aluminum Dutch oven. The cooking tool has a proven track record.

Hurricane Katrina was due to hit land in a few hours, and my relatives in Mississippi, about 150 miles north of New Orleans, weren't sure what was going to happen.

I overheard my wife talking on the phone to her sister, Patti, of Clinton, Ms. In the middle of the hurricane preparation discussion, they started talking about recipes and what to cook, using a cast iron Dutch oven!

Everyone near Katrina faced a power outage that could last indefinitely. Among the urban survival necessities was a way to cook and purify water.

Patti had a hand-me-down cast iron camp oven with the lipped lid and three legs. Designed to be heated on top and bottom with campfire coals or charcoal, that type oven was taken on the Lewis and Clark expedition, used by travelers on the Oregon trail, and was requisite in countless cabins, lean-tos and soddies on the frontier.

Technically, a "Dutch" oven has a rounded top and no legs and can be used in a approved oven on top of a stove, or on an outdoor propane fish cooker of grill. My propane fish cooker stays operational year-round on my patio, because it is used constantly. Even when there is snow on the ground, we still go face to fry bacon or cook fish.

Today, a camp oven is on my short list of tools for my disaster survival kit. And if you're one of the people stranded because of the report snows, or anticipating some sort of disaster, you need a Dutch oven too.

A Dutch oven can be used to boil water, make a stew, bake bread, and cook virtually anyone that can be fitted inside. And if you were forced to evacuate an area, a camp and/or Dutch oven is covenant and light enough to be authentically transported.

My wife's guidance to her sister was to go to Walmart, get at least 50 pounds of charcoal and three of the round, 14-inch diameter metal pet food dishes. Put the oven, these items and some basic cooking utensils in a quadrate milk crate for storage.

I've been cooking with Dutch ovens at hunting and fishing camps for decades, and on many camping trips and Boy Scout and Girl Scout outings. I am oftentimes asked for a basic list of tools to get started in Dutch oven cooking. So, here's the basic, bare-bones list of Dutch oven survival kit necessities, proven over the years.

- 1 - 12-inch Lodge brand shallow cast iron oven: I like Lodge cast iron best, because it is made in America and has a proven potential record, but that's just personal preference. Other experienced Dutch oven cooks may use distinct brands, so chose anyone you like. Sometimes, I'll take an aluminum oven on outdoor excursions instead of cast iron to save weight.

- 3 - shallow metal pans with lipped rims: These are critical, and coarse dog food pans work very well. Put one pan underneath the oven to protect the coals from dampness and help regulate heat; and an additional one pan is used to store coals. The third is a spare that is used to cover the oven and protect it from rain or snow while cooking.

- 1 - lid lifter: In a pinch, a pair of channel lock tongs will work.

- 1 - trivet or tripod: This is a wire or metal rack that holds the lid while you stir the contents of the oven or adjust seasonings. It keeps the lid out of the dirt and clean.

- 1 - knife. You probably don't need a tactical or survival knife, (even though, in an emergency, the knife you have is a "survival knife") but you will need something that will work for food preparation.

- 1- nylon spatula: This is used for cooking and cleaning the oven.

- 1 - large nylon spoon

The lid lifter, trivet, "survival knife," spatula and spoon all fit inside the oven. All these items fit into a nylon market Dutch oven holder. an additional one great way to carry all is in a quadrate milk crate. Put the metal pans on the bottom, and the oven won't tip over. The loaded crate stacks nicely.

Cleaning a Dutch oven is easy. Take the spatula, scrape out any food residue, and fill it with water. (Never put cold water into a hot oven. It might cause it to crack.) Put the oven back on the coals, and boil the water. Commonly this will be enough to clean the oven, and all that remains is to scrape out the softened food debris and wipe it dry. Hit the cast iron with a light film of oil to protect against rust.

Obviously, there are other "nice-to-have" cooking items that could be included. But this basic Dutch oven survival kit will get you by.

Top Five Must-See Attractions in Las Vegas

The one and the only Las Vegas: Sin City, the gambling haven of America where even brothels - at least in some districts of the city - are still allowed. Ambiguous couples can tie the knot with a priest that is dressed up like Elvis, who sings their wedding vows to them. You can even have an Elvis-styled, spur of the occasion bar or bat mitzvah. Indeed, from dancing burlesque troupe stage shows, to Elton John, the Blue Man Group, David Copperfield, and about a million and one variety shows that occur daily - similar to what you would find on Broadway in New York City - all the way to splendid casinos decorated lavishly with presidential suites, indoor amusement parks and even gondola rides, Las Vegas has a wee bit of something for everybody. A city that was created by the then off-the-wall-fathoming of notorious gangster, Bugsy Siegel, who was later killed when his first casino took time to ferment. Just don't forget to check out these list-toppers of places that are must-see when you are in Las Vegas. And remember: What Happens here, according to many, stays here.

Fountains at Bellagio: maybe some of the greatest known of all landmarks in this gambler's haven are these splendid fountains. These water jets encompass well over a thousand feet and can shoot geysers of water into the air over 250 feet tall. They are choreographed to music as well. The best time of the day to visit the splendid fountains is during the evenings, when they are lit up with changing colors, truly a spectacle for all to see.

Fremont Street: maybe the Time's square of Las Vegas, this street features nearly as many lights and sucks about 540,000 watts of power just to operate. Of course, nighttime is the best time of day to wander this street, which also offers tons of shop and eateries and lots of other nightly events and going-ons. Make sure you add this street to your list of must-see places as it is just dazzling.

Circus Circus Adventuredome Theme Park: One of the coolest places that you can check out when you are on the strip. This fully-featured amusement park is one of the largest indoor amusement parks in the world; this place is just awesome. Adorned with tons of rides and vendors, and fullness of activities to keep you entertained for hours. Or to keep the kiddies entertained while the adults gamble and play.

Lion Habitat at the Mgm Grand Hotel and Casino: Don't forget to check out this splendid lion habitat which houses some of nature's fiercest carnivores. The habitat that they live in consists of some levels and you can commonly see lion cubs getting pampered by their parents depending upon the time of year that you travel to Las Vegas.

Secret garden and Dolphin Habitat: Most locals undoubtedly reconsider this to be the valid zoo of the city because you can see all sorts of wild animals here, not just the dolphins. However, if you truly want an sense that is comparable to Sea World when you travel to Las Vegas, this is the place to stop and visit. Set aside a few hours, because you won't want to leave anytime soon.

Warning About Buy Here, Pay Here Car Lots

Before you turn over your hard earned cash at a buy here pay here car lot, there are some things that you should know. This information will save you a lot of money, both right now and in the future.

You're paying too much.

There's no bank that's regulating how much the car lot is charging you for the car. In many cases, buying from a buy-here-pay-here car lot is resulting in you paying thousands more for a car than it could ever possibly be sold for at a regular car dealership. On top of that, you're paying thousands more in finance charges than you have to.

You don't have to use a buy here pay here car lot!

You absolutely don't. There are finance companies on the internet that specialize in helping people with horrible credit get into cars without even needing a down payment. You can save thousands of dollars on both the price of a car, your interest rate and your monthly payments if you just know what to do.

Regardless of your credit history... If you've had judgments, repossessions, bankruptcy or multiple bankruptcies, medical collections, tax liens, whatever. Who cares?

You can get financed and approved... for more car with lower payments. Lower payments are the result of a lower interest rate.

You know what the best thing about getting approved online is? You don't necessarily have to buy from a car dealership. Having an approval letter from an online loan company means that you can go car shopping anywhere you want, including shopping for cars in your local newspaper for sale by private owner, which saves you from having to pay sales tax!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Choose Between Montessori, Progressive, Traditional, Waldorf, Or Reggio Emilia Preschools

Types of Preschools from Which to Choose

When I sent my daughter to nursery school, I wanted the most nurturing environment I could find. I chose a wonderful, progressive program in downtown Manhattan. A few years later, when we were interviewing uptown for a selective girl's school, the admissions director told me that when my daughter would be interviewed there, they would test her. She would be expected to draw circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. My eyes opened wide in shock and I said, "But my daughter doesn't know how to draw those!" She looked at my daughter's file and said (rather snootily), "Oh yes, your daughter went to one of those downtown play schools."

I was offended that she viewed the school I loved so much that way. But what could I do? Meanwhile, I ran into a neighbor who had sent her daughter to a fancy uptown traditional nursery school. She was applying her daughter to the same girl's school. So I said to her, "Guess what! The kids are going to have to draw circles, squares, triangles and rectangles to get in." My neighbor said, "Oh, Erica can do that. They spent a whole month on a shape unit at her school." In fact, Erica had produced an entire shape book for every major shape (including diamonds!) during that unit.

So, when you choose a nursery school for your child, whichever type of school you choose, remember that at the end, there is a test if you want private school or a gifted program. Even if you send your child to a regular ol' public kindergarten, she will still be tested in the very early days for placement in slow, average and advanced ability groups. Some schools prepare kids for these tests and others don't. Frankly, I probably would have chosen the same progressive school I chose no matter what because we loved it. But I wish I had understood from the beginning that there would be an important test at the end and if the nursery school didn't prepare my child, I would have to.

Here are the five most common types or philosophies of preschools you'll see - Montessori, Progressive, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia.

It doesn't matter if you're looking at a preschool in a church, temple, co-op, private or public program - they are all likely to have adopted one of these approaches to education.


Personally, I love Montessori schools and encourage you to tour one and see for yourself. Not only do kids learn a lot, but they are taught not to start a new project until they put the materials they were working on away. My daughter was always very messy and I have to wonder if she wouldn't have been had I sent her to a Montessori school when she was very young.

Marie Montessori started her schools in the early 20th Century as a way to train severely retarded children. The materials she created were so effective that they were later used with normally intelligent children.

The goal of Montessori is to establish independence, self-esteem, and confidence in a child while fostering learning at his own pace.

In a Montessori classroom, the main interaction is between the child and the materials, not the teacher and the children. At first, the teacher demonstrates to the children the proper use of each set of materials. Then, the child can take the materials out, place them on a mat, and use them as the teacher taught her. When she is finished, she puts it away before starting another project. The emphasis is on self-directed learning.

Once the teacher has demonstrated the use of the materials, children work on them individually or in small groups. With this level of individualized instruction, children with learning delays or who are gifted often do well in a Montessori classroom.

The materials used in a Montessori classroom are built around three areas. 1) Practical life skills (folding shirts, tying shoelaces); 2) Sensory (handling geometric shapes, putting blocks into the right holes) and; 3) Language and mathematics (handling sandpaper letters and numbers, counting beads on a long chain). As you can imagine, children learn a great deal with this curriculum - numbers, letters, adding, subtracting, practical life skills, information and more.

The Montessori classroom is usually very bright, warm and inviting. There are usually several learning centers where children can explore via hands-on, tactile materials.

Children are of mixed ages, typically three to six-years-old, with the older children helping the younger ones. Kids are encouraged to work at their own pace and build their own foundation of knowledge. When they emerge from Montessori, they are cooperative, organized, respectful of other children's work, and able to work independently.

Progressive (a.k.a. Developmental, Child-Centered, Bank Street Model)

This is the type of program I chose for my kids and we loved it. Here, the philosophy is that children need to explore and learn through imaginary play, art, and block building. The progressive classroom is usually set up as a series of "centers" where learning can take place using open-ended materials. There might be a fantasy play area, a cluster of easels with paint, a block corner, a water table, puzzle area and more. Teachers set these environments up in response to what they see the children are interested in. They move among the areas and encourage the kids to pursue their own projects and ideas at these centers. Play is considered the "work" of children and is taken seriously.

Here, there is no pre-planned curriculum that kids follow. Since teachers are following the children's lead, what kids learn from year to year and between the morning and afternoon sessions may be different. Children work at their own pace, learning through play. The interaction is between the children as opposed to between the children and the materials (as with Montessori). At no prescribed points are children expected to learn any particular skill. In fact, specific learning through teaching is frowned upon. This explains why my daughter didn't have a "unit" on shapes - This just wasn't done in a progressive school.

Social interaction between children is very important in a progressive classroom. There is much talk about "community." Separation between child and parent is seen as a major developmental step and a lot of time and energy is spent on this. The atmosphere is informal. Kids often call teachers by their first names and you would never find uniforms in such programs. The school is usually more relaxed about when a child should be toilet trained.

Children who attend progressive schools are usually more independent, curious, creative and likely to ask questions. They often score higher on tests of problem solving and curiosity, but lower on IQ tests. If your child will need to be tested for private school or a gifted program after attending a progressive school, you will want to be sure he has gained all the abilities IQ tests will assess.

In the traditional classroom, there is a structured curriculum with specific goals for the children. Goals are built around teaching children math, letters, numbers, sounds, shapes, problem solving, classifying, listening and more. The talk around the water table is most likely to be teacher directed instead of child led. Here, teachers instruct, direct, explain, and organize each lesson. Children learn from their teachers instead of their own exploration.

In this type of classroom, all the kids are likely to be working on the same activity at the same time. For example, at Thanksgiving, they may all work on putting pre-cut construction paper together to make turkeys. The emphasis will be more on the finished product than the process. If you go into a classroom and see a bulletin board displaying 20 matching turkeys, you are probably in a traditional school. At this type of school, kids might be working with worksheets to learn math and writing. There is an emphasis on school readiness.

Certainly there might be a free-choice period, but there is more emphasis on formal instruction. Children call teachers Mrs. X or Miss Y. You might find uniform or a dress code at this kind of school. At a traditional program, they will be strict about making sure your child is toilet trained before the age of three. Studies have shown that kids who attend traditional schools are less aggressive toward peers, more task oriented and do better on IQ and achievement tests. On the downside, they show less independence and initiative, their play is not as imaginative, and they score lower on tests of creativity.

Waldorf Schools

Developed by Rudolph Steiner in 1919, Waldorf programs aim to educate the whole child - "head, heart and hands." Classrooms are warm and homey, creative play is the order of the day, with a strong dose of teamwork and community. The teacher stays with the same class from preschool through eighth grade, which leads to a strong relationship where the teacher truly knows your child.

Learning is hands on, through cooking, art projects, storytelling, singing, puppet shows, dress up and play. Academics are not emphasized in the early years, with reading readiness beginning in kindergarten and actual instruction starting in first grade. "Main lessons" are taught in blocks of 1.5 to 3 hours a day with each subject block lasting 3 to 5 weeks. This way, children experience the curriculum as deeply and vividly as possible. Activities that are seen as extras at many schools are core to Waldorf philosophy - art, gardening, and foreign language. In the early years,, much learning takes place through art versus lecturing and rote learning. All children knit and play the recorder.

In the early years, Waldorf schools don't use textbooks. Instead, children have their own "main lesson books" which the fill out during the year, recording their experiences. Later, textbooks are introduced for certain classes such as math and grammar. Grades do not begin until middle school. Instead, teachers write detailed reports about each child's development and progress.

The use of electronic media by young children, especially TV, is discouraged in Waldorf Schools.

Reggio Emilia Schools

Loris Malaguzzi founded the Reggio Emilia approach at a city in Italy called Reggio Emilia. Newsweek Magazine hailed them the best preschools in the world in 1991. Their approach sees children as being competent, resourceful, curious, imaginative and inventive.

In a Reggio Emilia school, educators play close attention to the look and feel of the classroom, which is often referred to as the "third teacher." The goal is to create a room that is beautiful, joyful, inviting and stimulating. Children's work is on display along with collections of leaves or rocks they have gathered from field trips. There is natural light, plants, mirrors, photographs and children's work to capture the attention. Different centers are located throughout the classroom. They are devoted to dramatic play, art, writing, sand/water, reading, math, manipulatives, blocks and science. Much thought goes in to the design of a Reggio Emilia classroom in order to support their multi-sensory approach to learning.

After the teacher organizes the classroom in a way that is rich with possibilities, she invites the children to undertake exploration and problem solving. By observing the children, she learns what they are interested in and uses that information to act as a resource for them, asking them questions, discovering their ideas, helping them crate hypotheses and theories to test. There is no pre-set curriculum. Teachers and parents are seen as partners in learning with the children. Teachers document the children's discussions, remarks and activities through notes, videos and photographs. This makes learning visible, helping parents understand what their children are doing, teachers understand the children better, and children see that their work is valued.

Long-term projects emerge out of spontaneous play and exploration with children. They may last from days to several months. Depending on children's interests, topics for projects are decided (with the children's input). Teachers bring in materials, books, questions, and opportunities for the children to explore the topic further. Exploration may take place through field trips, discussion, drawing, sculpture, puppetry, drama, shadow and dramatic play, and writing.

Combination Schools

Some schools use a mixture of the approaches mentioned above. You might find a program using the "best" of Montessori, while also spending lots of time on separation and socialization, which a pure Montessori school wouldn't do. Some very structured and traditional schools will throw in a few elements of progressive into their program and say they are a combination school. This wouldn't be a true combined approach unless the teachers are allowing the academic work to evolve out of the kids' interests.

How do you know which educational philosophy a school follows? Look at their materials. Ask when you visit. But most of all, observe when you visit. Many schools are very clear about who they are and which philosophy they follow. Other directors will tell you they are are a mixture of progressive and traditional, but when you observe, you will clearly see they are one or the other.

Children attending a traditional or Montessori school are more likely to "graduate" with the types of skills private schools will be looking for. Traditional schools teach the skills and Montessori materials lend themselves to children learning these skills independently. This isn't to say that children attending a progressive, Waldorf or Reggio Emilia school won't acquire these skills through the program - many do. But if your child doesn't, you won't be getting a call from the Director raising a red flag that your child can't draw circles, squares or triangles. These directors believe that children will learn these skills when they are interested and developmentally better.

One approach isn't necessarily better than another. My recommendation is that you visit each type of school and determine which feels like the best fit. You may decide that your child is best suited for either a traditional or Montessori education. There are other factors you'll want to consider in deciding on a preschool, but by exploring the various philosophies first, you'll be able to rule out types of schools that don't feel right for your child.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Being Sued for a Deficiency Judgment After Foreclosure

Although the topic of deficiency judgments has been on the internet, it is one of the most commonly asked questions that homeowners have regarding losing their homes to foreclosure. One reason for this, of course, is the fact that home values have decreased nationwide, and foreclosure victims know that their properties will not sell at the county sheriff sale for an amount that will pay off the loan in full. Therefore, they are worried about having to pay the difference to the mortgage company, and the possibility of the lender suing them after foreclosure and going after their other assets. However, in nearly all cases, there is no danger of former homeowners being sued for a deficiency judgment after they have lost their homes to foreclosure.

To understand how the deficiency is created in the first place, it is necessary to know how the foreclosure auction works and what happens to all of the liens affecting the property. When the sheriff sale of the house is conducted by the county sheriff, the sale proceeds are used to pay off any liens on the title. Most of the time, it is the first mortgage company that purchases the property at the auction, and they bid the minimum amount required by law to take ownership. In effect, they are using their own money to buy the home at auction to pay off their loan to the homeowners. But they do not pay off the entire amount of the loan unless necessary, which will created a difference between what is owed on the house and what is actually sells for at auction. Just because the proceeds do not pay off the entire amount of the mortgage, however, does not mean the former homeowners are automatically responsible for coming up with that difference.

To be responsible for the difference at all, the state foreclosure laws will have to allow the bank to sue the foreclosure victims for a deficiency judgment. Not all states allow this in all cases, so homeowners need to do some research under what conditions a lender in their state can sue after the foreclosure. If the state does not allow for deficiency judgments, then there is no danger at all of being responsible for the difference, and no reason to worry about having the car repossessed or having wages garnished.

Even if they are allowed to sue the homeowners, though, banks rarely go after a deficiency judgment. Just as the foreclosure victims are worried about how they would ever pay tens of thousands of dollars in judgments, the mortgage company is worried about how they would ever be able to collect it and how long the process would take. Foreclosure victims usually go into foreclosure because they lost income, so getting another judgment against them will not help the bank recover any lost profits. In fact, pursuing a deficiency judgment after foreclosure will often prove to be an exercise in futility for both the mortgage company and the homeowners.

Ever further, it will cost the bank more time and money to hire local attorneys to sue their former clients, and then try and collect on the judgment. All of these legal and collections-related expenses are resources expended before the bank can collect even one penny of the debt. Combine this with the fact that they know the homeowners had some financial hardship that caused them to miss their mortgage payments for a number of months, and there is little reason for the bank to believe that the former homeowners will be able to pay the judgment in any time frame that would make it worth it to them. The money that would be used to pursue the deficiency judgment could more effectively be put towards new loans or investments.

So, homeowners almost never need worry about being sued by their bank after the foreclosure, even if the foreclosure laws allow it. The bank could theoretically try to make them pay the balance after the foreclosure auction, but lenders almost never do this. Unless the homeowners were extremely wealthy and owned numerous other liquid assets, the bank will simply move on and allow the foreclosure victims to move on with their lives, as well. This is often the best resolution to the foreclosure for all parties involved. What can happen in theory rarely happens in practice, in the case of deficiency judgments.

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup and asset Preservation firm

A new description on June 3, 2009 from Msn Money writer Michael Brush indicates that there is a third wave of foreclosures still to come from prime borrowers (i.e. Those previously "safe-borrowers" with sound prestige and fixed-rate mortgages) as a follow of job losses thanks to the worsening cheaper ("Coming: A 3rd Wave of Foreclosures").

The description states that "In the first quarter, the division of these borrowers who were behind on their mortgages or in foreclosure had doubled from a year earlier, to nearly 6%" and goes on to say that "Credit Suisseanalyst Rod Dubitsky unbelievable last week that 8.1 million mortgages, or 16% of all mortgages, will go into foreclosure over the next four years. A weak economy, continued declines in home prices and rising delinquencies among prime borrowers all but ensure that foreclosures "will march steadily higher," he says." Not such great news for the economy, but good news unquestionably for entrepreneurs concerned in beginning a foreclosure cleanup firm to clean and mend foreclosed homes for the banks.

To put this in perspective, this means that there will be over 2 million foreclosures a year and more than ,025,000,000 up for grabs in money that will be spent on cleaning up these foreclosed properties (since the average bill is 00+ to clean up one of these properties).

Let's take a look at how you can position yourself to capitalize on this coming foreclosure movement

Set Up Your firm Properly

If you want to be hired for cleanup or preservation work, you'll need to control your firm as a professional company. The good news is that you can set up a firm quickly and inexpensively, and usually on your own. Many citizen rule to set up an Llc (Limited Liability Company) because of how quickly and unquestionably it can be done but you'll want to check with your accountant or other firm professional to pick the type of firm entity that's right for your personal situation.

If you do rule to start an Llc, you can usually find all of the documents you need online from your state's government website. usually the field you're seeing for will be called the "Industrial Commission" or "Corporation Commission" or similar. Try typing in "start a firm + ______ (your state)". Whatever ending in ".gov" is usually a good place to start as it indicates a government site.

Once your firm is set up, you'll need an owner Identification estimate (Ein), which is like a Ssn for your business. You can register for one online: type in "Irs" & "Ein" into a quest engine to find the online registration link.

As soon as you have your Ein (which you can usually get immediately online), you can open up a firm bank catalogue for your company. This step is very, very important. In the excitement of things, many citizen get caught up in the day-to-day dealings of running a firm and use their personal accounts to pay for firm expenses. Not only does this gift an accounting bad dream at the end of the year, but it could gift problems for you with the Irs if you don't keep your personal and firm finances separate.

Once you legally set up your business, you may be required to register your firm with your county or city in order to get a firm license to operate. You can start by calling City Hall or the Office of the County Clerk to quiz, as to either or not you need a city/county/state firm license and if so, how to get one.

So to recap:

1. Legally set up your firm
2. Get your Ein # and set up a firm bank catalogue
3. Apply for a firm license
4. If you want to do preservation work, rule either or not you need a contractors' license

Get assurance

You unquestionably must have a commercial Liability assurance course and Workers' compensation assurance in order to run your business. Not only is assurance vital for protecting yourself from liability and protecting those that work for you in the event of a work-related injury, but many asset management clubs will not do firm with you if you do not meet their minimum assurance requirements.

Insurance will likely be one of your largest start-up costs, however, most assurance clubs allow you to pay the excellent on a monthly (rather than yearly) basis, which surely makes this cost more affordable.

General Liability assurance policies can cover the following: bodily injury, asset damage, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury, professional liability (also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance, this coverage protects you and your firm from litigation caused by charges of professional neglect or failure to achieve your professional duties), hired auto and non-auto liability and umbrella liability.

You'll want to speak directly with your assurance agent to get a better idea of the extent of the coverage provided by their singular course and one that is best remarkable for your private needs

Workers' compensation assurance is required in most states when you have W2 employees, and some states also wish your assurance to cover your 1099 contractors also. Workers' compensation ("Workers' Comp") covers your employees' medical and disability expenses connected to work-related illness and on-the-job injuries.

In the states where you are not required to cover your 1099 contractors you would need them to provide proof that they carry their own Workers' compensation insurance. Although tempting to shift the financial burden of maintaining a course onto your 1099 contractors, in all reality, you are probably better off to take on the cost of all staff Workers' compensation (all W2 employees and 1099 contractors). The intuit is that it's difficult to find only independent contractors that have their own policy. In addition, this business has such high turnover that if you put this restriction on your independent contractors, you'll waste vital time and lost revenues trying to find replacements in a hurry.

Here's a great tip: sometimes you can get "pay-as-you-go" assurance where your workers' compensation assurance premiums are based on your actual payroll, rather than an estimated amount. This is great for clubs that are just beginning out or have a fluctuating workload. Type in "pay as you go workers comp" into a quest engine for results in your area.

As a second tip, we've used Farmers assurance for years and have all the time had exquisite buyer assistance and great rates. Just Google "Farmers Insurance" for an agent in your area.

Foreclosure Cleanup v.s. asset Preservation Services

As the name suggests as a Foreclosure Cleanup Company, you'll be cleaning out all of the junk in the house (also called a "trashout or a "junk out"), as well as cleaning the interior of the home. You may also be required to take off vehicles on the property. usually foreclosure cleanup clubs are also responsible for doing a basic landscape cleanup which includes hauling out any junk from the front/back yards, cutting the grass and trimming trees/bushes.

Cleaning up the asset is the extent of services offered by a Foreclosure Cleanup Company, whereas a asset Preservation firm is also involved in the "securing" of the asset and the "preserving" of the property.

Here are some of the services that a preservation firm may offer (note that a asset Preservation firm will commonly also offer cleanup services):

Securing the Property
o Initial vacant asset inspection
o Lock changes
o Boarding of windows and doors
o Temporary roof mend
o Securing swimming pools

Preserving the Property
o Exterior Debris discharge
o Abandoned vehicle discharge (cars, boats, etc.)
o Interior Debris discharge (junk-out)
o Hazardous waste discharge
o Interior cleaning services along with carpet cleaning
o Window washing/graffiti discharge
o Window exchange
o Pool services (draining, acid washing, maintaining, etc.)
o Pest control services
o Yard maintenance/landscaping
o Snow discharge
o Winterization
o Gutter cleaning
o Pressure washing
o Carpet discharge & exchange
o Tile/Floor repairs
o Painting
o Sheetrock/drywall repairs
o Carpentry repairs
o Plumbing fixtures repairs & replacements
o Fire & mold remediation
o Fence repair

Here are a few things to think when determining the extent of the services you want to offer:

A Contractors' License is commonly not required for Foreclosure Cleanup firm but is likely required for preservation clubs doing work over a determined dollar value (usually 0 - 00+). Sometimes this license can be obtained by attending a course and successfully passing a test whereas other states wish previous, verifiable business experience.

The assurance premiums tend to be higher on clubs that offer preservation services as they are determined to be a "general contractor". However, the income possible is much higher as preservation services tend to run from a few thousand dollars upwards instead of 0 - 00 for each cleanout.

Usually what citizen do is start out initially offering just the foreclosure cleanup services and then when things pick up, they'll add preservation items to the list of services they offer. This let's them get their foot in the door without having to spend a whole lot of money upfront when setting up their company.

Source the Right tool & Tools

The great thing about beginning a foreclosure cleanup firm is that the initial expenses are quite low as much of the tool and tools needed for cleaning foreclosures can likely be found in your own garage:

o Cleaning chemicals (i.e. All purpose cleaner, disinfectant, toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner)
o Cleaning supplies (broom, mop, scrub pads)
o Vacuum cleaner
o Garbage bags and shovels
o Work gloves and disposable plastic gloves
o Lawn mowers & lawn tools
o Wheelbarrow

For the smaller items you don't have on hand, check your local dollar store. Their prices can't be beat and they usually have the same chemicals and cleaning supplies as the other retailers. Once you start doing some volume, think shopping for your supplies at Sam's Club or Costco to keep your expenses low.

You can also find used tool in great shape (such as vacuums) by going around to your local Saturday morning garage/yard sales. If you have a "Re-Use" town or a Salvation Army, you may think checking there also as they often have vacuums and other small tool or yard tools for sale.

For hauling junk, you'll need some sort of trailer and a vehicle large enough to pull it. If you don't have a truck and a trailer, you can all the time borrow a friend's truck and rent a trailer from U-Haul or just go ahead and rent a attractive truck from U-Haul. (Remember though, that you'll be expensed a daily rate plus a per-mile rate when you rent a attractive truck whereas if you use your own truck and just rent the pull-trailer, you'll only incur the daily rental rate for the trailer.)

Sometimes you'll be required to clean a asset that doesn't have electricity or water. In the event that there's no electricity, you'll need a generator to control the vacuum cleaners and other electrical equipment. These can be rented at Lowe's or Home Depot and is a much better alternative to purchasing one outright unless you're going to use it on a regular basis (a new one will run you about 0+).
To save on expenses, it's best to rent tool in the beginning.

Once you get up and going, it may be worth seeing into purchasing tool of your own. Check the online classifieds ads (such as Craigslist, Kijiji and Backpage) for used trailers, generators, etc. You should also check with U-Haul as they have been selling some of their excess trucks as of late.

Stay Safe on the Job

As a firm owner, you're responsible for holding your staff safe while working on the job. Working safely is preponderant to the condition of your staff and the prestige of your firm (and also keeps your assurance premiums low). It's imperative that you spin protection issues prior to allowing Whatever to work on the job - you must provide both classroom and on-the-job protection training to all new hires.

Now, it doesn't have to be Whatever fancy; you can spend 20 - 30 minutes reviewing protection policies, safe working practices and answering any questions and then you'll be done! Make sure you have citizen sign in and out of the meeting and that you document that a protection meeting took place.

It's also very prominent that you become customary with Osha and protection Standards as well as the condition & protection hazards connected with this business so that you can keep your staff safe, avoid accidents and high-priced fines. You can find the Osha Pocket Guide to construction protection (it's a short and an easy read) at the main website (Osha Dot gov) by searching for the description name.

Another way to protect your staff and your firm is to make sure that you check references before you hire someone. Insist that they list non-related references (i.e. Not mother, sister or best friend) and instead list references of old employers or person they know in a professional capacity. We also do drug testing and background checks - it might sound paranoid to some, but the protection of our staff, our customers' asset and our company's prestige is far too prominent to risk not spending on a background check or drug test.

Price Your Services Right

In this industry, the bottom price all the time wins the bid (unless, of course, the bottom bidder has a terrible track description of not completing work and is utterly irresponsible and unprofessional, in which case the firm has just committed "reputation-suicide" and will never be hired again). Lenders don't want to spend any more than they have to on these properties so you want to make sure you price your services comparable with the going market rates (but at the same time, priced so that you still make a great profit and don't leave any money on the table).

For cleaning out foreclosures, most banks expect to spend anywhere from 0 - 00 for a cleanout (trashout, interior clean and initial landscape cleanup), but it could be a bit more or a bit less, depending on your area. It's prominent to know that most lenders have prescribed "price caps" for the maximum amounts that they'll pay for services.

If you're also providing preservation services, a great site that we've used before to rule our prices for doing repairs is for getting the market rates for construction costs - you can get a free 30 day trial (no need to enter prestige card - it unquestionably is free!). There are over 3,000 cost items adjusted for over 210 local, geographic regions to generate your bid and you can add as many others as needed. If you want to sign up after the trial, it's only /month.

Market Your Services

It's true - "nothing happens until somebody sells something"... And you'll need to get out there and sell, sell, sell your business. Once you've done a few jobs, you'll find that word of mouth advertising and referrals will provide a large pool of new jobs for you, but in the meantime, you do need to do everything possible to let customers know you exist.

A large portion of work will come from the relationships that you build with Real Estate Agents ("Realtors") who list bank-owned homes (often referred to as Reo listings). They are often given the task of bidding out the cleaning and repairs of new listings by the asset management firm so you'll want to make sure the agents in your area know your firm handles this type of work.

A great way to find out which Realtors in your area list Reos is to go online to the major bank's Reo websites and "data mine" the experience facts for the listing agents (name, email, phone numbers). It can be painstaking work, but surely worth it.

Here's an example of a bank Reo sites to get you started collecting Realtor information

Wells Fargo (Properties managed by Premier Asset Services):

Note: In order to passage agent information, pick the state and click search. Then, individually pick each listing and click on "Print asset description Cvs". Each listing and corresponding facts (such as agent name, phone # and email) will be created in an Excel spreadsheet. You can passage the page

Remember to follow up with a phone call a few days later. Don't be shy about request the Realtor if he/she has any jobs for you to bid, either - most of them are very accommodating and willing to give a new firm the opportunity to provide estimates.

The other way jobs are bid out is straight through large Asset management clubs (also referred to as Marketing & management Companies, Reo Field assistance clubs and asset management Companies). Essentially, the lender says, "ok - I have thousands of properties to get rid of. Here, national Abc Asset management Company: clean, fix and sell these properties for us". And the national Asset management firm will then subcontract out the work to local foreclosure cleanup and asset preservation companies. In order to work for these companies, you usually need to sign up your firm as a possible vendor. Many times this can be done online.

There are both positives and negatives connected with working for the larger companies. On the determined side, you will probably be given a few projects to work on at a time so you will be kept relatively busy. On the negative side, they usually want you to offer 'wholesale pricing' and don't pay until 30 - 60 days after you invoice them for the work. Working for one of these companies, however, will give you the experience you need to go after more work.

Other possible customers contain wholesale asset investors (groups of investors that buy foreclosed homes at the auctions and then sell them to smaller investors at a wholesale price), investors, landlords, asset management companies, Realtors and so on.

You should also think attending your local networking events such as the chamber of business meetings and any local investor meetings in order to hand out your card and network with possible customers. The more you get out there, the better opportunity you'll have of securing some great, long-term customers!

This is surely an attractive business and a very profitable one for those of you who don't mind getting your hands a bit dirty! Good luck!