Monday, November 28, 2011

Printable Tattoo Designs - The Fast Way to Find Amazing Collections of Tattoos

Most people look for printable tattoo deigns for months and still see the same generic stuff all the time. This can lead to very bad things, like actually settling on one of those cookie cutter tats, which always leads to regret. If you want the world at your feet, while diving into huge galleries of original, perfectly drawn printable tattoo designs, these two tips will give you the instant solution.

This is exactly how I was able to open up a brand new world of amazing artwork. Let me put it this way. The web is loaded with superb galleries that take tons of pride in featuring the best artwork possible. 95% of you will never find them, though. Do you know why? It's because of everybody's reliance upon search engines. In this day and age, they should not be used to search for printable tattoo designs. All you get is a long, boring list of every generic laced gallery that's opened up in the last year or so.


This is what it's come to. These awful galleries vastly outnumber the high quality artwork sites, which is why none of them show up in search results. What can we do about this ongoing dilemma? I'll tell you what you can do. You can begin using large forums to your advantage, because they are the savior for this nagging issue. If you pick a big forum and slide into their archives, you will have access to so many fresh, relevant topics about tattoos. This is what you're going to use to find amazing collections of printable tattoo designs.

All you have to do is spend a couple minutes of your busy schedule to breeze some of the topics, preferably the larger ones. They are laced with posts from people sharing the names and links of the high quality artwork sites they've run into lately. Some people found huge collections of printable tattoo deigns by luck and others know exactly where they've been the whole time. All you need to know is that you now know where to find the info about them.

People who settle on generic printable tattoo designs always end up regretting putting such cookie cutter artwork on themselves.

Printable Tattoo Designs - The Fast Way to Find Amazing Collections of Tattoos

Here are the 3 largest, most original galleries that have thousands of fresh Printable Tattoo Designs.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top galleries, with the absolute largest gallery of printable tattoos you can imagine.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What Is A Junk Debt Buyer?

A junk debt buyer is typically a collection agency who will buy charged off debt for pennies on the dollar compared to what the debtor actually owed the creditor when the debt was charged off. Once the junk debt buyer has purchased the charged off debt, the buyer will has many options on what to do with the old accounts. Many times they will have a in house collection agency collect on the debt but they may even repackage the debt with other debt they own and resell the portfolio of accounts to another debt buyer.

Junk debt buying is a relatively new industry that really came on strong in the 1980's when the U.S. economy experienced the savings and loans crisis Many banks were going under and the FDIC insured assets were being taken over by the RTC. The RTC eventually held auctions for private companies to buy the assets in which many times the companies had no clue what they were purchasing in the charged of debt portfolios. This would begin the rise of an industry that was very profitable and experience high growth rates over several decades.


As word spread of the profitability of the junk debt buying industry, this area experienced a explosion in growth from 2000 up to the current year. Debt was being bought and sold in different sectors including; credit cards, telecommunications, automobiles, and more. It expanded further into medical bills and personal utilities. As the economic recession continued, the overall price of charged off debt has fallen drastically. Furthermore, the economic downturn resulted in the junk debt buying industry again growing to new levels that had never been saw in previous years.

Junk debt buyers are either considered active or passive within the market. An active buyer will collect on the debt they have purchased while passive buyers outsource the work to an outside collection agency in which they will share a portion of money collected with the collection agency doing the work. Many junk debt buyers work in what is considered the secondary market. The secondary market typically consist of smaller collection agencies who buy the debt after it has been charged off and already had one debt buyer attempt to collect on the debt. Normally, the seller of the debt will wish to sell the entire portfolio together and many will want the buyer to agree to what is called a forward flow agreement. A forward flow agreement is a contract usually for at the very least 12 months, that a debt seller will place accounts with a debt buyer every month for a certain predetermined percentage of the face value of the debt.

The junk debt buying industry has been the target of many new laws to protect the debtor recently which has reduced the value of the debt and also the profitability of the industry. This has reduced how aggressive the collection agencies can pursue the charged off debtor which in return has slowed down the cash flow in what has been one of the historically profitable business sectors in recent memory.

What Is A Junk Debt Buyer?

Luke McCann is the owner of and has worked with small business owners to obtain collection agency quotes from collection agencies that provide collection agency services.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vacuum Cleaners Reviews - The Unbiased Opinion of One That Cleans Their Own House

This vacuum cleaners reviews was done to determine which was the best. For overall cleaning power and price consideration, the Bissell 3920 Eraser is an excellent choice. It has the suction power of machines that are twice as expensive, yet it still costs less than 0. Like all good vacuum today, it comes standard with a HEPA filter to help trap the dust and allergy-causing molds it sucks up. It is recommended for homes that have pets or a home where the owner just wants a super clean house and still have money in their pocket.

Another one that is in the same price range is the Eureka Boss SmartVac. Like the Bissell, it has a HEPA filter and is bagless. It also is priced around 0. The bristles on this upright can be turned off so hard wood floors can be cleaned without spitting the debris around.

Atirma Collections

Those are great vacuums, but the Dirt Devil Vision Cyclonic is the best value. It is priced at just .99. It has a 12 amp motor to drive the cyclonic suction power to its bagless collection area that opens at the bottom so less of what was collected might be spilt. The exhaust is filtered with a true HEPA filter that removes 99.97% of all dust and allergy-containing molds down to a 0.03 micrometer size. It has a 15 inch cleaning path and a 25 foot cord. This lightweight yet powerful tool makes cleaning easier than the other models because it is more maneuverable.

Look at the other vacuum reviews and see that these choices are the top picks by most consumers.

Vacuum Cleaners Reviews - The Unbiased Opinion of One That Cleans Their Own House

There are so many choices out there when it come to selecting a great vacuum cleaner. Many people just buy vacuum cleaners without knowing the first thing about them, and end up paying way to much. Don't make a mistake and invest in the wrong vacuum cleaner for your family. Find the best type of vacuum [] on the internet at [].

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Increase Your Medical Billing Collections With These Six Important Steps

Medical billing collections use is growing, as many doctor's offices, medical facilities and hospitals confront ever-increasing past due debts from slow paying patients and back-logged insurance claims. Along with over 40 million Americans without any health insurance, a slow economy due to recession, and growing unemployment, means shrinking positive cash flow for medical professionals. Given that prognosis, there are a number of things you can implement to increase your internal medical billing collections. By putting these six tactics into place, you can greatly improve your financial bottom line.

1. Be sure you have a clear payment procedure, placed visibly at the front of your office. New patients need to understand clearly what, if any, payment is expected upfront, in regards to co-pays, etc. This should be understood BEFORE rendering service.


2. It's very important that you get accurate patient information during that first doctor visit. Get the patient's full name, address, date of birth, home, work and cell phone numbers. Get their work information: address, phone number(s), position/title, manager/supervisor, etc. Clearly, the more information you can get here, the better. While some patients may balk at giving their social security number, its still a good idea, especially if the account has to be turned over later to a collection agency.

3. If the patient has health insurance, its important to verify at this point. While a doctor's office can get quite hectic, this crucial step shouldn't be overlooked. Verifying coverage will avoid headaches later on.

4. In the initial patient application, be sure to clearly detail the patients' responsibility for payment. You might also consider including language that should the account have to be turned over to a collection agency for non-payment, the patient will be responsible for collection costs. In some states, the business can recoup their costs for hiring a collections agency, if it is stated in the patient-signed application upfront. (Check with your attorney about this, as state laws vary)

5. Allow patients to make payment arrangements for those going through financial difficulties. Because so many are either uninsured or under-insured, making reasonable payment arrangements via installments gives them more options, and greater peace of mind. It will also help generate cash flow to your practice.

6. Know when its time to relinquish those difficult problem accounts, and turn them over to a debt collection agency. As discussed earlier, many patients are facing greater financial burdens, because of higher unemployment, a slow economy and recession, making it increasingly difficult to pay for the high costs of health care.

Most people intend to do the right thing and honoring their debt obligations. But the reality is that some others are less responsible. By using the before-mentioned procedures, consistently and early on, you can better identify the patients experiencing temporary financial problems from the "problem" delinquent accounts. Payment arrangements, and continued communications can better address those problems. With that, the more problem, non-paying clients have to be identified earlier as well. These are the ones to be outsourced to professional collection agencies who are better equipped to handle these types of accounts.

Failing to do so means wasting valuable time, labor and money dealing with difficult accounts. You can't afford to waste time here, because the longer an account goes unpaid, the lesser the likelihood of getting paid at all. By placing these accounts earlier, you greatly increase your opportunity for getting a great deal, or at least some of your money. As a general rule, after 90 days of non-payment, medical billing collections should be turned over to a collection agency. These simple, but very important tips are very effective in shrinking your medical billing delinquencies. Put into consistent practice, you can greatly improve your medical billing collections.

How to Increase Your Medical Billing Collections With These Six Important Steps

David P. Montana has been a noted industry expert, business consultant and writer in business debt collection services for three decades.
He offers additional tools and solutions on medical billing collections.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Forearm Tattoos - How You Find the Greatest Artwork Collections

A huge portion of you are staring at outdated, totally generic selections of forearm tattoos. If you don't mind getting tattooed with a cookie cutter tat, then you can continue on your way, but I'm going to guess that this is not what you want. What I'm going to do is share some extremely helping tips, which can bring you to a whole new world of forearm tattoos, where crystal clear, high quality designs are always available.

There are so many people in this world walking around with generic tattoo designs on their body. Almost every one of these folks hate the artwork they now have on their skin, though. What it all boils down to is that many people are making split decisions, because they keep seeing the same generic junk over and over again. The first way to stop this from happening it to keep away from search engines. If you've been using them to look for forearm tattoos, or the sites that have them, it's time to put a stop to it. None of the great artwork sites pull up in those lists any more. They've been pushed away by the 1000's of generic laced galleries flying onto the web.


This is only half of the solution, though. Now you are stuck without a way to actually find places that will have forearm tattoos, right? Well, not any more. Big forums will be your instant solution. On top of this, it will be your solution to the problem of not finding original, top quality designs, too. You see, big forums are packed with topics about tattoo artwork and these topics can be pulled up from the archive section of that forum. Any bigger type of forum will work.

Your only real job is to select a few of the larger topics and dive into them. Just begin scanning some of them. You will run into so much pin point info here, inducing tons of names and links to the truly great artwork sites that other people have found. They are constantly shared here, because questions are always being asked. It's your one stop shop for locating sites that will have fresh, high quality forearm tattoos. Best of all, you will bypass all of the generic junk you're used to seeing throughout the net.

It opens a door to a mansion full of sites that truly care about the quality and originality of the forearm tattoos they supply.

Forearm Tattoos - How You Find the Greatest Artwork Collections

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find thousands of amazing Forearm Tattoos.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the resource site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of tattoos you will ever see.